FM Guide and Instructor trainings in Finland

Next Instructor training in Finland 10.-11.5.2025

Held a lovely first Forest Mind Guide training in Espoo on the 1st of Sept 2023. We now have officially 2 English speaking Forest Mind guides in Finland! Also held the first ever Instructor Course in English on the 12th and 13th of October, and 8 lovely new instructors got their diploma!

I also constantly collect a list of people who would be interested in either Forest Mind Guide or Instructor training, and hold these courses  when we have enough people for practising, if this coming date is nost suitable for you.
Pls notify me know in case you interested here:

See my second ever Instructor Training in English in Finland scheduled below !

Forest Mind Instructor Training 
10th and 11th of May 2025 in Hanko

Forest Mind (Metsämieli) Instructor Course (2 ECTS) is intended  e.g. for professionals in coaching, teaching, social security, nursing, or tourism services, for people who want to make versatile use of the Forest Mind method in their own work. In the training, we familiarize ourselves with research information about the well-being effects of nature on mental skills, the backgrounds of the Forest Mind method and how to guide exercises. 

After completing the course, you will receive a certificate and the qualification to guide all Forest Mind exercises (seed, seedling and tree levels). The course also provides tips for taking care of your own resources. Those who have completed the training also have the right to teach Forest Mind Basics courses if they wish. 

The admission requirement for the course is education/strong experience in the field of nature or a background in psychological well-being. The course involves preliminary tasks before the course and a commitment to voluntary training. The participants are required to read the Forest Mind book in advance, so in the course we can focus on backgrounding the exercises and practicing guiding. Participants in the trainings will receive the Forest Mind book electronically, as the English version is not published, but we have an unofficial version in English. This is for your own use only.

For getting to know the Forest Mind method it is recommended to start with the Forest Mind Basics course. This is available as a web course in both English and Finnish, both of which I have created and are available on the web. Taking this course does not entitle you to lead groups, but it is suitable for getting to know the subject and maintaining your own well-being. See more about the basic course here: Basic course


* Time: Sat 10th and Sun 11th of May 2025, both days from 10 am to 5- 5.30 pm
  Note: Be prepared to work a bit on the evening on the 10th on your own.
* Location: Hanko, Ratakatu 10, upstairs of Nöjen Öl & Vin
* Group size: 4-10 people
* Price: €370/person + vat (total 464,35e) including instructor materials, exercise booklet, access to all kinds of material in dropbox for practising your Forest Mind in various ways and a certificate. You also receive rights to train the Forest Mind Basic Course to people.

The course involves pre-assignments before the course and after the course days, as well as a commitment to self-directed training.

The instructor course lunch is at your own expense. We will try to organize it on the spot for those who want.

Book your place here: signing in

Upon registration you will receive a short welcome mail, and closer to the event more detailed info about the day and the preparation for that. You will also receive an invoice via mail, due before the training day. Cancellation less than 21 days prior to training leads to 50% payable invoice.

The course is led by me, Forest Mind trainer and International Lead, Holistic Well-being Coach, Ecotherapist & Nature and Environment Advisor Erja Järvelä. I am currently also studying to become a Neuropsychiatric Coach (graduating in Jan 2025).

The forest spirit invites you to holistic well-being and self-knowledge. In Forest Mind trainings, the studied well-being effects of nature are enhanced with the help of presence and emotional skills exercises inspired by the natural environment. With the Forest Mind method, one can strengthen the ability to be present, the recognition and nurturing of one's own resources, as well as self-esteem and acceptance. Forest spirit invites you to stop by your own mental landscape and get to know your own resources and abilities to recover and strengthen your good feeling.

The Forest Mind method is based on researched knowledge of the well-being effects of nature, behavioral sciences, social psychology, positive psychology and cognitive behavioral therapy, as well as the long experience of its developer Sirpa Arvonen in coaching work. 

©Forest Mind

Forest Mind Instructor Course
Forest Mind Instructor Course
Forest Mind Guide training
Forest Mind Guide training

"I have been waiting for just over a year now to be able to train for the English Forest Mind course.The wait was truly worth it, Erja managed to get an English Forest Mind group going and what fun it was. Erja Really Is an amazing teacher and very patient. Not only did I learn a lot during the course but I felt refreshed at the end of it also.
I can't wait to work with Erja again in the future to further my training. 10/10 for everything.
Thank you again for an amazing time."
